Julia Nastasi presents great christmas gifts
Julia Nastasi presents great christmas gifts
Heidelberg / Germany.Many people have now started to wonder what to give their friends and relatives for christmas. Marketing Nastasi presents ideas for christmas gifts of the other kind.Why not give motivation, a possibility to reach one´s aims and reality creation according to the universal laws of attraction as a christmas gift – instead of the classical ties, dresses and jewellery ? „We have made great experiences with our online course manifesting 2.0 as a gift,“ says Julia Nastasi, contact person for all the English customers. She and her husband started their online courses in German in May 2008 and launched the English portal in May 2009. Since those times, they have led hundreds of people to their success and the history goes on.
Not only can one learn how to manifest in general, it is also possible to concentrate on various special topics like love, money, health and weight.
The principle is an easy and very effective one:
The first element is the daily e-mail with an exercise. Reading and doing never takes longer than 30 minutes as the course leaders want to keep it practical for every day use. The second element is the daily chat. Every day, Julia Nastasi joins an English chatroom which is only available for participants. The third thing is a bulletin board where participants can exchange among each other but of course also with the course leaders. It is also only available for participants to keep negative influence outside. The last thing is the personal e-mail in case of questions that are too private to discuss them during the chat or on the bulletin board. There is an e-mail form inside the portal and a private answer is granted within 24 hours.
Further information and booking onhttp://manifesting.marketing-nastasi.de
Responsible for this press release: Marketing Nastasi Owner Alexander Nastasi Waldstraße 25/1 69207 Sandhausen, Germany Tel: +49 - 6224/924255 Fax: +49 - 6224/924259 Marketing Nastasi operates an online mental coaching portal, which started in May 2008 in Germany with great success. Its basic idea is to help people by means of modern techniques to reach their aims within 30 days. The German model started different additional courses with topics like love, money, health and desired weight, which are also very popular. In German, there are also external coaches like Heidi Wellmann (job coaching) and Christian Reiland (Law of attraction online course).
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Verfasser und Verantwortlich für den Inhalt:
Alexander Nastasi, Erfolgscoach online und Autor,
Seminar Service Nastasi, 68723 Schwetzingen
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Alexander Nastasi, Erfolgscoach online und Autor, Seminar Service Nastasi, 68723 Schwetzingen http://www.therapeutenfinder.com/therapeuten/mentaltraining-sandhausen-alexander-nastasi.html |